The enigma of “living” ….

Photo by Özden Turhan

What does it mean living?

To breathe in and to breathe out or it is all about the feeling derived from existence?

Will you continue to ignore someone else’s existence?

So, what is the difference to kill someone and to ignore someone else’s existence?


Will you still resist to ignore recognizing someone else’s talent which is the crucial emblem of existence?

If so, what is your difference to the murderer who eliminate / disappear the voice of someone else’s that murderer do not want to listen?


Are not we all specific and worth to be recognized by the society?

So, living is passed by declaring “I am exist” in contrast of “I am nothing” which has no any difference to die…

Existence is crucial part of living… because that allows you to…

Feel to be useful for the world…

Feel to be understood by the society…

Feel to be able to involve into society by lacking all kind of worry…

After all, the enigma of living hide behind gorgeous memories to endure every circumstance of “Dorian”…


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